Focus on... the Hyperfocus on Product Photography
Hyperfocus is the latest innovation in the PackshotCreator software suite : designed to meet customer needs in macro photography, the hyperfocus function allows you to obtain a clear visual of the entire product photographed as closely as possible and without the need to do Tedious editing in Photoshop.
An assembly of several perfectly sharp images
The phenomenon of Blurry area in a photo linked to depth of field is well known and even appreciated by photographers. For the Product photo, however, it offers constraints that make the task difficult when you want to highlight all the details. Here is an example on this watch (below).

How do you get a depth of field in photography?
The hyperfocus function (” Focus stacking ” in English, literally stacking of focuses) allows you to assemble several images with different focus distances to obtain a photo with a greater depth of field.
For the first time, the result offers extended sharpness from the foreground to the background of the image. The smallest details, materials and colors of the product are perfectly and completely reproduced; the gradual blur effect is eliminated.
[embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnUOCiq7i2c&t=3s[/embed]
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