What is the impact of photographs on an e-commerce product sheet?
“Do the visuals in an e-commerce product sheet influence the act of purchase? Certainly, yes. As long as they are of good quality! ” Find the PackshotCreator infographic on ecommercemag.fr
How do product visuals influence the act of purchase?
Feedback from online retailers shows the central role of photographs of product photographs. Imagery is decisive in many ways: it is at the same time the central element of the virtual window. It is also the main source of information (with the product sheet). Another important element: photography is used to seduce, to convince!
Interactive e-commerce product photos and animations
For this reason, many online retailers are reaching a new level. The Cape of visual interactivity. Beyond the still photo, multi-angle visuals are popular. They have several uses. E-retailers use them to reveal a product from several angles. Very useful for revealing key information: show for example a camera lens and reveal its functionalities: zoom, adjustment rings... Same for the 360° animations Or in 3D products. The latter in fact leave total room for interactivity. These animations thus allow the user to discover, or even to grasp, an object.
See everything in our infographic.
[embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GezuaP_GJ4[/embed]