Discover: the story of an e-commerce failure
On his blog, Matthieu Tran-Van tells us a true story of a failure that shows how vital it is for its e-commerce to make the right choice in terms of product photos.
Discover “The story of an e-commerce failure: when the visuals produced are at the origin of a bankruptcy filing”.
“When you start e-commerce, you encounter obstacles that you did not necessarily anticipate. These are sometimes “stupid and mean” complications, but which nevertheless can be vital for your e-commerce... The story that I am about to share with you is chilling: it highlights the importance of taking care of your product imagery and shows you that in e-commerce, a small grain of sand can sometimes stop the whole machine. [...]”
Reduction in the costs of creating visuals/increase in turnover
In this context The solutions for product photography all integrated Like that of PackshotCreator are seductive. They also allow you to make simply And in less than 10 min. Visuals of great quality (at 360° - see 3D- with advanced zoom technologies). Moreover, PackshotCreator users say that thanks to the use of their solution, 76% of their customers have reduced their costs of creating visuals and 64% have increased their turnover.”
Discover the PackshotCreator software to succeed, standardize and accelerate your shots. Of the Still photo to the modeling of objects in 3D, the automated shooting systems are therefore suitable for all uses. Thus, today, nearly 8,000 companies have protected themselves from a failure thanks to photo studios. Among the main uses: e-commerce photography. Photography and the 360° animation of objects are also used for quality control or the 3D modeling of works of art and antiques for the creation of virtual museums...
In conclusion
We therefore offer you a series of E-commerce ebooks to set up an internal strategy for your photographs and animations of e-commerce products.