Luxury men's shoes: elegance onlineOpératrice photographiant une chaise haute pour enfant
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Luxury men's shoes: elegance online

Discover the experience of a luxury shoemaker who used PackshotCreator solutions to produce all its product visuals in-house.

High-quality 360 photos and animations for luxury products

Témoignage Chaussures Luxe PackshotCreator is an online store for high-end and very chic shoes. In particular, the site distributes the Vinedge brand, a brand created by in 2009. As its name suggests, this online store is only for men addicted to quality and aesthetics. The site offers classic and timeless models: richelieu, boots, derby, boots, moccasins...

Since sales are mainly carried out online, visibility and natural referencing are necessarily major challenges for websites such as those offering shoes.

How to optimize the visibility of your online store without wasting time?

Objectives and challenges for the customer: Simplicity and quality

At the beginning of the online adventure, used a DSLR camera for the internal photo shooting of its products. “Having never had any special training in photography, handling the camera was too complicated and the result was not satisfactory,” says Mr. Hoang, the manager of the online sales platform. “I wanted to create quality visuals, with respect for colors, without being an expert in photography.”

Adapt to all media

Unable to use all communication tools, the store was limited in the development of its business. Indeed, using Flash, the animations generated were not readable on mobile phones and other tablets. The challenge here was to find the solution that would be compatible with all the environments of m-commerce.

The Packshot systemCreator: When quality meets simplicity was seduced by the PackshotCreator solutions for two reasons: the first, which consists in taking still photos simply “without pushing the settings of The camera, which requires time, patience and lots of trials,” says Mr. Hoang. The second, and very much appreciated, lies in the possibility of benefiting from formats other than the Flash format to give priority to HTML5 and GIF, in order to be able to generate 360° product animations on all supports. In fact, the PackshotCreator solutions give you the possibility to create animations in the format of your choice, and the software manages everything from A to Z.

A combination at the service of the image

Men's Shoes has chosen to combine fixed visuals accompanied by 360° shoe animations. In this way, the user can judge the quality of the model in the blink of an eye and in one click. The visuals are enhanced with the PackshotCreator software, such as the shiny and shiny effect of the shoe. Tuan Hoang wants to be able to create visuals with as little post-production work as possible, which are ready to be put online.

Example of still visuals with PackshotCreator

Of multi-angle photos allow you to show all the details of a shoe: material, sole, stitched. PackshotCreator systems with their position memory also allow them to be memorized to repeat the shooting on a whole series of products.

photo chaussures packshot

Results and benefits for the e-commerce site

With 70 to 80 references per year, men's shoes has a chic catalog. The quality of the visuals is quite impressive. The transcription of colors and materials is very realistic. The meticulous finishes are really highlighted. Indeed, highlighting GoodYear stitching means betting on the “luxury” side of the product. At a glance, the user captures the manufacturing quality of the product.

Comment photographier une chaussure en studio ?

The immediate benefit is time savings. “One 360° animation ready to use takes me less than 15 minutes or so”, says Tuan Hoang. The shooting is fast and the quality is there.



Le studio Alphadesk Orbitvu pour des photos à plat